Asian Friendship Ping Pong Tournament

Directions to Mountain Brook Junior High:

From UAB or I-65, exit to University of Alabama at Birmingham,
Find University Blvd (8th Ave South), head east.
Then Turn left at the light, to get on I280E/Hwy31 south,
Stay on right to exit to I-280, towards Mountain Brook.
Stay on RIght, exit to Mountain Brook, (Birmingham Zoo/Garden)
You will come to Mountain Brook downtown, pass lught
turn left to Montevallo Blvd, head east.

You will pass Golf course on the left, then a pointy Tower,
which is Mountain Brook Baptist Church, on the right.
Immediately after the Church, you make a 125deg Right turn,
this is Overbrook Rd, and the Junior High is on the left.
Park in the front parking lot.  DO NOT go to "Gymnasium/Auditorium" building,
enter through main entrance, pingpong gym is there.