Asian Friendship Ping Pong Tournament

Basic Explanation of Round Robin:

  1. In the initial draw, all players will be snake arranged in groups according to the USATT rating or estimated rating (e.g. if there are 42 players, there will be 7 groups of 6 players each or less), when rating can not be reliably decided, a random draw will be applied to those players.
  2. In the Morning rounds, players play according to round robin routine,each player will have a chance to duel out with every other players in that group. Match win total will be recorded, in the case of same accumulated match win, the total games won will be used.
  3. At the end of morning round, players will be assigned to 6 classes(levels) accordingly.
  4. During lunch time, all players has a chance to compete for Robo-Pong Award. Robo-Pong contest equipment is provided by Bumpernets, every player gets 60seconds time with the machine to try to hit flat targets lying on the table, the highest score shown on the scoring machine will be designated the Robo-Pong winner. No human counting allowed, only the score showing on the machine will be used. If more than one players reach 21pt(full score), these players will compete again in order to generate a single Robo-Pong Winner.
  5. In the afternoon rounds, there will be 6 classes (Championship class, class A,class B,class C, class D,class E) of players. Within each class, players compete for top three spots for Class Awards within their own class (1st place trophy,2nd place trophy and 3rd place medal for EACH class). The Tournament Champion will be decided by an extra match between top 2 players in the Championship Class.
  6. We have a special prize that will be given out to player with Best Attire and Best Sportsmanship.
  7. There will be many other prizes donated by sponsors that will be given out.
  8. The tournament committee reserves the right to alter or cancel the events (fee refunded if event cancelled). Most USATT official rules apply to this event and Umpire or Assistant Umpire has the final ruling. No USATT official score will be reported for this event.
  9. Racket needs to be within ITTF/USATT guidelines, no sandpaper, bare wood. A way to check your racket, if there is no sponge layer between topsheet (the rubber which contacts the balls) and the wood paddle, then it is a hardbat.
  10. In addition to the above, USATT league playing rules applies. No hardbat. No barefoot, no barechest.